1822 Entrance
1822 Stairwell
1822 Living Room
1822 Dining Room
1822  Stairwell and Skylight
1822 Primary
1822 Family Room
1828 Entrance
1828 Stairwell
1828 Living Room
1828 Living Room
1828 Primary
1822 Entrance
1822 Entrance

Impressive architecturally modern homes located in the Oakland Hills near Montclair Village has several noteworthy features reflecting thoughtful architectural design. Thick concrete walls create passive temperature regulation throughout the year. The window placement facilitates natural ventilation allowing heat to dissipate quickly during warmer months. This combined with strategically placed skylights and grated landings, allows abundant natural light despite having portions of the home built into the hillside.

1822 Stairwell
1822 Stairwell
1822 Living Room
1822 Living Room
1822 Dining Room
1822 Dining Room
1822  Stairwell and Skylight
1822 Stairwell and Skylight
1822 Primary
1822 Primary
1822 Family Room
1822 Family Room
1828 Entrance
1828 Entrance

Impressive architecturally modern homes located in the Oakland Hills near Montclair Village has several noteworthy features reflecting thoughtful architectural design. Thick concrete walls create passive temperature regulation throughout the year. The window placement facilitates natural ventilation allowing heat to dissipate quickly during warmer months. This combined with strategically placed skylights and grated landings, allows abundant natural light despite having portions of the home built into the hillside.

1828 Stairwell
1828 Stairwell
1828 Living Room
1828 Living Room
1828 Living Room
1828 Living Room
1828 Primary
1828 Primary